Will Your Celebration this Season be a "Christmas," an "X-mas" or an "X-mess"?

Justus Musinguzi


As we walk around during the Christmas Season, there is a wonderful English word we hear again and again almost everywhere. This English word is spelled CHRISTMAS in both spoken and written forms. However, there has been a growing tendency of crossing out the "Christ" part of this English word and putting a big "X" in its place. Consequently, the English name of our wonderful Lord is crossed out and this is how we end up with the word "X-mas".

Looking at it from a literal sense, an “X-mas” is the word you get when you cross “Christ” out of “Christmas.”

So in this context, an "X-Mass" is simply a "Christmas" without "Christ".


The “X” in “X-mas” can mean so many things. But to a mathematician, X is commonly used to symbolize the unknown. Today, Christ is indeed unknown in many Christmas parties.  He seems to be unwanted and he is usually cancelled out and often forgotten in most Christmas celebrations.

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