Learn from Job to Worship God in Your Suffering (Part 2)
Listen to the reading of God's Word in Job 2:1-10
(Job 2:1-10)
Let me also read a very brief quotation about preaching: "How utterly dependent we are on the Holy Spirit in the work of preaching. All genuine preaching is rooted in a feeling of desperation"
Let us pray.
Father, we are coming again to you now with an awareness of our desperate need of the Holy Spirit and in recognition of the fact that without you, we can do nothing. We thank you, Lord, that you have given us the promise in which you have indicated that if we, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to our children; how much more will our Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask? Your word encourages us to keep on asking and it is in response to this encouragement that we are now coming again expressing our need of the Spirit today. We are asking for your Holy Spirit to come and strengthen a weak preacher and enable him in bringing your message to your people. We also request you to help the weak listeners to understand and apply this message in their lives. Lord, unless you teach us your word and write its precepts on our hearts, we cannot learn anything! So we pray now that you would meet with us in our study of this book of Job. May Christ be exalted through it all. We pray all this in Christ's name, Amen.
We have now come to our second message in this series on the book of Job. In our previous message in this series, we focused our attention on Job chapter 1. In this current message, we will focus our attention on Job chapter 2. But in order to get a proper understanding of this second message and to make a smooth transition from Job chapter 1 to Job chapter 2, we need to review some of the things that we covered in our previous study of Job 1 before moving on to the current message we want to consider in Job chapter 2. So let us begin with this review.
The book of Job is a book that has been written as part of God's word to help us understand the issue of suffering. This book is designed both to encourage us and to instruct us on how to deal with suffering.
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