10 Profound Lessons to Learn from the Long Term Suffering of Job

10 Profound Lessons to Learn from the Long Term Suffering of Job

In this fourth message of our study on the book of Job, we will look at the following 10 profound lessons that we ought to learn from the long-term suffering of Job: 

  1. Beware of theological statements that are superficial and wrongly applied
  2. Beware of a man-centred God and man-centred formulas for living before God
  3. Free the false popular theology that always sees suffering as related to specific personal sins
  4. Suffering and prosperity are not distributed in this world in proportion to personal evil or good
  5. Remember that God is still absolutely sovereign over all suffering and overall prosperity
  6. Remember God's wisdom is behind all appearances of severity and our betrayal in this world
  7. Don't be surprised by the sense of distance from God in the midst of your suffering
  8. Be careful in your complaints to God, but pour out your heart before Him
  9. Hold fast to God no matter what!
  10. Hold fast to the gospel no matter what!
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