Are Christians Sinners, or are they not Sinners?
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I am sure that every Christian wonders at one time or another, why this should be. Why doesn't God sanctify us more thoroughly when He justifies us? Surely, it makes sense that it would be a much better recommendation of the Gospel to the unbelieving world if the lives of Christians were always so obviously morally superior to the lives of unbelievers.
It would have indeed been a much better recommendation of the Gospel if Christians were always kind, and always generous, and always loving, and always scrupulously honest, and always faithful and always humble. We all know that God is going to make us perfect in a moment when we die, so why doesn't he do it now?
Godly men and women have actually thought about the answer to that question through the ages, and have suggested various reasons why the Lord might leave us sinful as He has obviously decided to do as long as we are in this world. It is worth noting that
It is also our sin that teaches us how much effort it is going to take to live a faithful Christian life.
Its actual combat that makes Christian soldiers, and much of that combat, we will all have to agree, is with the sin in our own hearts. Without our sin bearing down on us, how much would any of us pray, day after day? Without the confusion and the doubt and the spiritual distress that is churned up by our sin, how eagerly would we read the word of God?
Without our failures and our disappointments in ourselves, I think we would be far too happy to stay here.
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I am sure that every Christian wonders at one time or another, why this should be. Why doesn't God sanctify us more thoroughly when He justifies us? Surely, it makes sense that it would be a much better recommendation of the Gospel to the unbelieving world if the lives of Christians were always so obviously morally superior to the lives of unbelievers.
It would have indeed been a much better recommendation of the Gospel if Christians were always kind, and always generous, and always loving, and always scrupulously honest, and always faithful and always humble. We all know that God is going to make us perfect in a moment when we die, so why doesn't he do it now?
Godly men and women have actually thought about the answer to that question through the ages, and have suggested various reasons why the Lord might leave us sinful as He has obviously decided to do as long as we are in this world. It is worth noting that
- It is our sin as Christians, not so much the sin we committed before we became Christians, that teaches us how much we owe to the love of God and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is also our sin that teaches us how much effort it is going to take to live a faithful Christian life.
Its actual combat that makes Christian soldiers, and much of that combat, we will all have to agree, is with the sin in our own hearts. Without our sin bearing down on us, how much would any of us pray, day after day? Without the confusion and the doubt and the spiritual distress that is churned up by our sin, how eagerly would we read the word of God?
- Sin gives us opportunities without number to practice God's forgiveness and to receive it from others and to show it to the world.
- It is sin, our sin, that breaks the back of our love of this world and makes us willing to leave it and even eager to leave it.
Without our failures and our disappointments in ourselves, I think we would be far too happy to stay here.
- It is in our sin, that we learn to share in our Savior’s suffering.
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