Fidelity to the Truths vs Maintaining Christian Unity in the Church

Fidelity to the Truths vs Maintaining Christian Unity in the Church

On one hand, we as the people of God have an absolute obligation to maintain our loyalty to the faith as it has been once for all delivered to the saints.  But on the other hand, we are taught in the word of God to show charity, and a spirit of love and grace and toleration and acceptance toward those with whom we disagree: even with whom we disagree about matters taught in Holy Scripture.
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How to Understand Bible Paradoxes and the Apparent Contradictions in the Bible

How to Understand Bible Paradoxes and the Apparent Contradictions in the Bible

How do you read the Bible and how you think about what you read in the Bible? In this series of messages, Dr. Rayburn's analytical exposition of polarities in the bible will set side by side biblical truths that are very difficult to reconcile and through this juxtaposition of truth, you will learn how to understand the apparent contradictions in the Bible. 

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Come Down Lord: We Miss You!

Is it possible that a church can intellectually understand the foundations of faith, theologically believe the doctrines of Scripture, daily go through the emotion of Christian living: and yet miss the power of God at work in the lives of its members? Today's church is full of people who are not worshipping God for who he is, but for what he promises to give them. Today's church is a church that is longing, hungry and empty; and yet looking in the wrong places to fulfil its needs. 

Come down Lord, we miss you. We can't imagine going through this year without you. We want to become those people that once enjoyed your fellowship, that once experienced your power, that once basked in the sunshine of your love. This is the commitment that this message is asking of you, that this year is going to be a year of longing and waiting, hungering for more of God, rethinking and refocusing our relationship with God. That this year is going to be a year where the Church will cry for God's smile; cry for God's helping hand; and cry for God's caring heart.

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Learn from Elihu that God sends Suffering to Save his People from Pride and to Purify them

Learn from Elihu that God sends Suffering to Save his People from Pride and to Purify them

A theology of something means you look at that thing in its big perspective. To get a proper understanding of the theology of suffering, for example, you ask questions like: what is the purpose of suffering? Where does suffering come from? What does it accomplish? How is God related to suffering? What is God doing in suffering? That is what we mean by a theology of suffering. 

If you derive your understanding of suffering on the basis of Job chapters 1-31, you will end up with a theology of suffering that recognizes the following basic facts:
(1) God rule,
(2) God is just and wise;
(3) God's ways are hard to understand but
(4) In the age to come, all wrongs will be righted and justice will be established.
(5) God has loved us and saved us in Christ.
(6) Trust God in your suffering.

This theology is not bad, but it is a narrow, partial and inadequate theology of suffering.

In this message, Dr. David Eby brings to our attention a complete and adequate theology of suffering that he expounds to us in the context of the Speech of Elihu in Job 32-37 and the rest of the Bible. Let us listen to him as he teaches us the word of God.

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10 Profound Lessons to Learn from the Long Term Suffering of Job

10 Profound Lessons to Learn from the Long Term Suffering of Job

In this fourth message of our study on the book of Job, we will look at the following 10 profound lessons that we ought to learn from the long-term suffering of Job: 

  1. Beware of theological statements that are superficial and wrongly applied
  2. Beware of a man-centred God and man-centred formulas for living before God
  3. Free the false popular theology that always sees suffering as related to specific personal sins
  4. Suffering and prosperity are not distributed in this world in proportion to personal evil or good
  5. Remember that God is still absolutely sovereign over all suffering and overall prosperity
  6. Remember God's wisdom is behind all appearances of severity and our betrayal in this world
  7. Don't be surprised by the sense of distance from God in the midst of your suffering
  8. Be careful in your complaints to God, but pour out your heart before Him
  9. Hold fast to God no matter what!
  10. Hold fast to the gospel no matter what!
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