Great Faith in a Merciful God

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The Bible says that this Cyrophonecian woman came to Jesus not with a need of her own, but with her daughter's need. She came to intercede for her daughter. 

If we have great faith in God, we are going to learn to intercede. We will learn to stand between men and God.

This lady came on behalf of her family.  For us, we have been called to come to God on behalf of our nations, communities, schools, neighbourhoods; and if we have great faith in God, we ought to learn to intercede and stand between God and men. We ought to learn to pursue and intercede to Him on behalf of others so that God’s glory may be manifested.


The Bible informs us that when this woman came to Jesus, Jesus told her something that sounded like this, "You don't deserve anything from me at this time. You are like a dog.  And in fact, if your children are puppies, then you are the mother dog. It is not good to give my bread which is supposed to be for the children to the dogs."

But this lady persisted! Great faith has that quality in it.  Great faith persists. Great faith holds on.  We are told in Isaiah 40 that those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength.  They shall mount up with wings as eagles.  They shall never grow weary, they shall run and not faint.

If this was a boxing match, we would say that Jesus took this lady and was continuously punching under the belt. But she did not give. She persisted and hung on to Jesus. 

There are things in life that you have not seen before done, but you may be the next inventor or the one whom God might use to bring them to pass. Within faith, there are ingredients of creativity and innovation because that is the character of God.

There are things that you have not seen anyone else do, but God can do them through you!
This Syrophoenician woman said to Jesus, "I know it is not your time to reach out to the Gentiles, but I will be the first Gentile. God sometimes wants to do things in your life with no point of reference. There may be no one who went before you doing that in your culture, family or neighbourhood, but if the Word of God says it, then God can do it through you.

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